John Rankin’s Books

Books by John Rankin (available at presently in print include the following:

  1. The Six Pillars of Biblical Power (200 pp., “Biblical Ethics 101” written for a wide readership and applicable to how we live our daily lives).
  2. The Six Pillars of Honest Politics (184 pp., Returning politics to trust and simplicity, where state law has been cut to 35 pages, and federal law had been cut to 25 pages).
  3. Jesus, in the Face of His Enemies (116 pp., Where the level playing field for hard questions is the means by which Jesus shows his blamelessness en route to the cross and resurrection, and is the needed ethic in politics and culture today).
  4. Genesis and the Power of True Assumptions (Second Edition) [700 pp., “Biblical Theology 101” that gives a paradigm to interpret all the Bible and life].
  5. The Real Muammad: In the Eyes of Ibn Isḥāq (340 pp., The largely unknown reality in the West by the most ancient and extant historian of Muḥammad).
  6. The Judas Economy: And What to Do About it (105 pp., Judas seeks to appropriate the money of others for his own dishonest redistribution scheme …).
  7. Changing the Language of the Abortion Debate (462 pp., As the abortion debate goes, so goes the nation. It is the linchpin).
  8. Moses and Jesus versus Muhammad (216 pp., The freedom of the level playing field for all ideas to be heard equally is defined in Moses, fulfilled in Jesus, but foreign to Muhammad.
  9. The Freedom to Choose Hell (248 pp., Addressing the debate over universalism, defining a biblical theology of hell where it is a minority community that guards bitterness as opposed to loving mercy.
  10. That Angry Darkness: An Ex-Unitarian Meets Satan Face-to-Face (And a Surprising Theology of Male Anger) [261 pp].
  11. The Screwtape Text Messages (108 pp., using the genre of C.S. Lewis as a sequel to That Angry Darkness).
