TEI National Pro-Life Colloquy

What is the Best Strategy to Overturn Roe v. Wade?

(May 5, 2018)


[Date & Location to be Announced]

Hosted by the TEI Pro-Life Coalition (www.teiprolife.org) 



John Rankin: President of the TEI International (www.teii.org), and Author of Genesis and the Power of True Assumptions, The Six Pillars of Honest Politics and Changing the Language of the Abortion Debate (see www.johnrankinbooks.com)  

Eric Metaxas: Host of the Eric Metaxas Radio Show (www.metaxastalk.com) and Socrates in the City (www.socratesinthecity.com), and New York Times Best Selling Author (Amazing Grace, Bonhoeffer and Luther) 


[Tentative Agenda from lunch on one day to lunch on the next]:

First day:

  1. Afternoon: John Rankin presents the TEI Strategy to overturn Roe v. Wade.
  1. Break-out colloquies follow to review the fullest range of possible strategies to overturn Roe v. Wade, per papers solicited and submitted beforehand. Spokespersons selected for next days’ Colloquy.
  1. Evening: Mars Hill Forum with John Rankin and a lead abortion advocate, moderated by Eric Metaxas.

Second day:

  1. Opening comments by Eric Metaxas and John Rankin on the Mars Hill Forum, then questions and answers.
  1. Colloquy moderated by Eric and John, with chosen spokespersons from the separate colloquies the day before, followed by questions and answers.
  1. Finally, a discussion among the whole Colloquy, led by Eric and John, with the goal of an agreement to proceed together with the best mutually affirmed actionable strategies.
