Past Mars Hill Forums w/John Rankin

(MHF #161), 17 October, 2017: House of Lords, London, England; Panel Discussion on the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation (click here for presentation: The Reformation, Freedom and a Reformation of the Reformation).

MHFs #159 and #160, September 27, 28, 2017: Two churches in greater Birmingham, AL: Islam and the Bible: What Makes for a Healthy Society? Guest: Dr. Radwan Masmoudi, president, Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, Washington, D.C.

MHF #158: July 27, 2017, Willimantic Camp Meeting Association, Willimantic, CT: A Jew, A Christian, A Muslim: All Questions are on the Table. Guests: Rabbi Jonathan Hausmann, Ahavath Torah Congregation, Stoughton, MA; and Dr. Salim Mansur, Western University, London, Ontario.

MHF #157, July 24, 2017, Willimantic Camp Meeting Association, Willimantic, CT: Will Hell Eventually Be Abolished? Guest, George Sarris, author, Heaven’s Doors. Wider Than You Ever Believed?

MHF #156, February 12, 2017, Collinsville Congregational Church, Canton, CT: Islam and the Bible: What are the Most Important Questions? Guest, Rev. Dr. Steve Blackburn, Arabist, Hartford Seminary. (Dr. Blackburn fell ill, and the moderator, Dr. Glenn Sunshine, professor of Early Modern European History at Central Connecticut State University, substituted.

MHF #155, August 13, 2016, Temple Sholom, New Milford, CT: Jewish and Christian Perspectives on Same-Sex Relationships. Guest: Rabbi Ari Rosenberg, Rabbi of host synagogue.

(MHF #154), October 4, 2015, Salem College, Winston-Salem, NC: Biblical Theology, Homosexuality and Pastoral Ministry. A Forum sponsored by the Moravian Church. Interlocutor: [Rev. Dr. Susan Parker], unable at last minute to attend due to a death in the family; her prepared statement was read by Rev. Dr. Reddick Weber of Moravian Seminary.

(MHF #153), February 27, 2013, Wyoming Central College, Riverton, WY: Questions on “Marriage Equality.” Guest: Rev. Kenneth Asel, D.Min., St. John’s Episcopal Church, Jackson, WY.

MHF #152, May 15, 2012, Unitarian Universalist Society: East, Manchester, CT: What are the Politics of Jesus? Inclusive or Exclusive? Guest: Rev. Joshua Pawalek, Minister of host church.

MHF #151, April 22, 2012, Conard High School, West Hartford, CT: Can Darwinian Evolution Produce a Healthy Society? Guest: David Silverman, President, American Atheists. YouTube clip from the forum: “Atheism Proves the Existence of God.”

(MHF) #150, September 25, 2011, Northwest Activities Center, Detroit, MI: Black Identity, The Bible and the Nation of Islam: In Pursuit of Freedom and Justice. Interocutor: Lonni, acronym for the leader of The New Nation of Islam, claimed successor to Elijah Muhammad.

(MHF) #149, September 7, 2011. Detroit, MI: Islam and the Bible. Interlocutor: Lonni, acronym for the leader of The New Nation of Islam, claimed successor to Elijah Muhammad.

(MHF) #148, April 27, 2009, University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME: Was the United States Established as a Christian Nation? Guest, Atty. Edwin Kagin, National Legal Director, American Atheists.

MHF #147, April 24, 2009, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Simsbury, CT: What are the Days of Creation? Guest, Tim Chaffey, Director, Midwest Apologetics.

MHF #146, April 24, 2009, Christian Heritage School, Trumbull, CT: What are the Days of Creation? Guest, Tim Chaffey, Director, Midwest Apologetics.

MHF #145, April 23, 2009, Hope Church, Wilton, CT: What are the Days of Creation? Guest, Tim Chaffey, Director, Midwest Apologetics.

MHF #144, April 18, 2009, Christian Heritage School, Trumbull, CT: What is the Nature of Politics and Freedom in Islam and Christianity? Guest, Alejandro Beutel, Minaret of Freedom Institute.

MHF #143, April 17, 2009, South Church, Hartford, CT: What is the Nature of Politics and Freedom in Islam and Christianity? Guest, Alejandro Beutel, Minaret of Freedom Institute.

MHF #142, March 23, 2009, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA: Women, Choice and Abortion: What are the Issues? Guest, Rev. Barry Lynn, Esq., Director, Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

MHF #141, March 13, 2009, South Church, Hartford, CT: Homosexuality, Hate Speech and Hate Crimes: What are the Issues? Guest: Brent Scarpo, Hollywood producer, e.g., “The Journey Toward a Hate-Free Millennium.”

MHF #140, February 13, 2009, South Church, Hartford, CT: Darwin and the Days of Creation: What are the Issues? Guest: Tim Chaffey, Director, Midwest Apologetics, Wisconsin.

MHF #139, November 6, 2008, Kingdom Life Christian Church, Milford, CT: The Bible, Race and American History: What are the Issues? Guest: Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright, pastor emeritus, Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago, IL.

MHF #138, October 25, 2008, The First Cathedral, Bloomfield, CT: Is Same-Sex Marriage Good for the Nation? Guest: Arline Isaacson, co-chair, Massachuestts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus.

(MHF) #137, October 7, 2008, Chase Collegiate, Waterbury, CT: Panel on Hate Crimes. Interlocutors on a panel on ten included Rep. Michael Lawlor (D-East Haven), co-chair of the Judiciary Committee; Rep. Joan Hartley (D-Waterbury); and Rev. John Gage, Church on the Green (UCC), New Haven.

(MHF) #136, October 3, 2008, Ward Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Northville, MI: The Bible and Issues of Racial Justice. Co-host: Rev. Christopher Brooks, Evangel Ministries, Detroit, MI.

MHF #135, October 3, 2008, The Traveler’s Corporation, Hartford, CT: Evolution and Intelligent Design: What are the Issues? Guest: Dr. David Blitz, Professor of Philosophy, Central Connecticut State University.

MHF #134, April 29, 2008, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY: Evolution and Intelligent Design: What are the Issues? Guest: Dr. Michael Menser, Associate Professor of Philosophy.

(MHF) #133, April 15, 2008, Bowie State University, Bowie, MD: Science and Religion: What are the Issues? Guest: Rick Wingrove, American Atheists, Capitol Hill Representative.

MHF #132, November 12, 2007, State University of New York at Buffalo: What is the Nature of Human Rights in the Bible and the Qur’an? Guest: Shaikh Mohammad Ibrahim Memon, Islamic Society of Niagara Frontier.

(MHF) #131, November 3, 2007, Internet Live Debate: Is The Bible the Word of God? Interlocutor: Egyptian Muslim Da’wahist, Wesam Abd Allah.

MHF #130, October 18, 2007, Marriott Conference Center, Peabody, MA: What is the Nature of Religious Liberty in the Bible and the Qur’an? Guest: Imam Talal Eid, Islamic Institute of Boston.

MHF #129, September 20, 2007, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA: Human Rights in the Bible and the Qur’an. Guest: Dr. Abdulaziz A. Sachedina, professor of Islamic Studies.

(MHF) #128, July 28, 2007, Internet Live Debate: Where in the Bible Does Jesus Claim to be God? Interlocutor: Egyptian Muslim Da’wahist, Wesam Abd Allah.

MHF #127, June 25, 2007, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Simsbury, CT: What is the Nature of Revelation in the Bible and the Qur’an? Guest: Muslim and Classics Scholar, Professor Mary Knight, New York University.

MHF #126, June 24, 2007: New Life Christian Church, Meriden, CT: What is the Nature of Revelation in the Bible and the Qur’an? Guest: Imam Talal Eid, Islamic Institute of Boston.

MHF #125, April 24, 2007, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT: How Can the Environment Best be Protected? An Evolutionary View and a Biblical View. Guest: Dr. Elizabeth Cowles, Professor of Biology.

(MHF) #124, April 17, 2007, Concerned Women for America Internet debate: Should God be Removed from the Pledge of Allegiance? Guest: Dr. Michael Newdow, Esq., plaintiff to the U.S. Supreme Court to Have “Under God” removed from the Pledge.

MHF #123, April 11, 2007, Patrick Henry College, Purcellville, VA: What is the Nature of the Separation Between Church and State? Guest: Rev. Barry Lynn, Esq., Director, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Washington, D.C., ordained with the United Church of Christ (UCC — Congregational).

MHF #122, March 26, 2007, Union League Club, New York, NY: The Bible, the Qur’an and the Universal Struggle for Freedom. Guest: Dr. Radwan Masmoudi, President, Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy (CSID), Washington, D.C.

MHF #121, March 25, 2007, New Testament Church, Plymouth, MA: What is Yahweh Elohim’s Nature in the Bible, and Allah’s Nature in the Qur’an? Guest: Dr. Imam Talal Y. Eid, Director, Islamic Institute of Boston.

(MHF) #120, November 15, 2006, Brown University, Providence, RI: Religion & Queer Sexuality. Moderator, Rev. Janet Cooper-Nelson; Co-Panelists, Swami Yogatmananda, Vedanta Society of Providence; Emily Mathis, rabbinical student; Rusmir Music, Bosnian Muslim; Rev. Lynne Phipps, United Church of Christ.

MHF #119, November 9, 2006, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY: If There is a God, Why Does Evil Exist? Guest: Richard Brown, Associate Professor of Philosophy.

MHF #118, June 19, 2006, Union League Club, New York, NY: Religion, the ACLU and Controversial Topics. Guest, Dr. Jeremy Gunn, National Director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Program on Freedom of Religion and Belief, Washington, D.C.

MHF #117, June 15, 2006, First Church of Christ, Wethersfield, CT: Is the Bible Completely Trustworthy? Guest, Dan Barker, Co-President, Freedom From Religion Foundation, Madison, WI. Questions addressed: 1) Does Deuteronomy 32:8-9 show that the God of Israel is really a pagan god? 2) Was Ezekiel wrong when he prophesied that Tyre would be destroyed? 3) Do the resurrection accounts in the New Testament contradict each other?

MHF #116, June 14, 2006, Crossroads Community Cathedral, East Hartford, CT: Is the Bible Completely Trustworthy? Guest, Dan Barker, Co-President, Freedom From Religion Foundation, Madison, WI. Questions addressed: 1) Do Genesis 1 and 2 contradict each other? 2) Do Matthew and Luke contradict each other regarding the date of Jesus’s birth? 3) Is the Trinitarian language of 1 John 5:7 in the King James Version accurate?

MHF #115: May, 7, 2006, New Testament Church, Cedarville, MA: Evolution and Intelligent Design: What Are the Issues? Guest, Dan Barker, Co-President, Freedom From Religion Foundation, Madison, WI.

MHF #114: May 4, 2006, Catholic Charities, Augusta, ME: Is Homosexual Rights Legislation Good for Maine? Guest, State Representative Sean Faircloth (D-Bangor).

MHF #113: April 1, 2006, Christian Heritage School, Trumbull, CT: Evolution and Intelligent Design: What are the Issues? Guest: David Silverman, National Spokesperson, American Atheists, Parsippany, NJ.

MHF #112: March 29, 2006, University of Connecticut, West Hartford Campus: Is Human Abortion a Woman’s Right, or is it an Excuse for Male Chauvinists? No Guest.

MHF #111: March 8, 2006, Westfield State College, Westfield, MA: Evolution and Intelligent Design: What are the Issues? No willing guest.

MHF #110: March 6, 2006, The Master’s School, West Simsbury, CT: Is the Bible Full of Errors and Deceit? Guest: Dan Barker, Co-President, Freedom From Religion Foundation, Madison, WI, evening session for parents and wider community.

MHF #109: March 6, 2006, The Master’s School, West Simsbury, CT: Is the Bible Full of Errors and Deceit? Guest: Dan Barker, Co-President, Freedom From Religion Foundation, Madison, WI, daytime session for student body, faculty and staff.

MHF #108: March 5, 2006, Living Rock Church, Killingworth, CT: Is the Bible Full of Errors and Deceit? Guest: Dan Barker, Co-President, Freedom From Religion Foundation, Madison, WI.

(MHF #107): February 27, 2006, Columbia University Political Union, New York, NY: Panel Discussion: What are the Politics of Intelligent Design? Moderator: Dr. Joel Cracaft, Curator, Division of Vertebrate Zoology/Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History, New York City; co-panelists: Dr. Barbara Forrest, co-author, “Creation’s Trojan Horse”; and Nick Matzke, Public Information Project Director at the National Center for Science Education.

MHF #106: February 13, 2006, The Master’s School, West Simsbury, CT: Is Same-Sex Marriage Good for the Nation? Guest: Rev. Joshua Mason Pawelek, Minister, Unitarian Church of Manchester, CT, and Chairman, Connecticut Clergy for Marriage Equality; evening session for parents and wider community.

MHF #105: February 13, 2006, The Master’s School, West Simsbury, CT: Is Same-Sex Marriage Good for the Nation? Guest: Rev. Joshua Mason Pawelek, Minister, Unitarian Church of Manchester, CT, and Chairman, Connecticut Clergy for Marriage Equality; daytime session for student body, faculty and staff.

MHF #104: February 3, 2006, University of Connecticut Medical School and Health Center, Farmington, CT: Why Do Women Choose Abortion? Why Do Physicians Provide Abortions? Guest: Dr. Janice Lee, abortion provider, Hartford Gyn Center, Hartford, CT.

MHF #103: January 8, 2006, Westfield Evangelical Free Church, Westfield, MA: Evolution And Intelligent Design: What Are The Issues? Guest: David Silverman, National Spokesperson, American Atheists, Parsippany, NJ.

MHF #102: January 6, 2006: Valley Community Baptist Church, Avon, CT: Evolution And Intelligent Design: What Are The Issues? Guest: David Silverman, National Spokesperson, American Atheists, Parsippany, NJ.

MHF #101: November 29, 2005: The Harvard Club, New York, NY: What Is The Proper Relationship Between Religion and Government? Guest: Professor Nadine Strossen, Esq., President, American Civil Liberty Union (ACLU), New York, NY, and professor at New York Law School, New York, NY.

MHF #100: November 7, 2005: The Master’s School, West Simsbury, CT: Evolution And Intelligent Design: What Are The Issues? Guest: David Silverman, National Spokesperson, American Atheists, Parsippany, NJ; evening session for parents and wider community.

MHF #99: November 7, 2005: The Master’s School, West Simsbury, CT: Evolution And Intelligent Design: What Are The Issues? Guest: David Silverman, National Spokesperson, American Atheists, Parsippany, NJ; daytime session for student body, faculty and staff.

MHF #98: November 6, 2005: Living Rock Church, Killingworth, CT: Should God Be Removed From the Pledge of Allegiance? Guest: David Silverman, National Spokesperson, American Atheists, Parsippany, NJ.

MHF #97: October 17, 2005: Mt. Desert Island High School, Bar Harbor, ME: Homosexuality And Civil Rights: Should People Support The People’s Veto? Should People Support Same-Sex Marriage? Guest: Dr. John Corvino, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.

(MHF #26 [out of sequence]): October 17, 2005, College of Bangor, Bangor, ME: Special Rights or Civil Rights? Panel including State Representative Sean Faircloth (D-Bangor).

MHF #96: October 16, 2005, Bangor Baptist Church, Bangor, ME: Can A Good God Allow People To Dwell In Hell Forever? Guest: Rev. Kalen Fristad, Director, Destined for Salvation Ministries, Newton, IA.

MHF #95: October 2, 2005, Rockville Church of the Nazarene, Rockville, CT: Can A Good God Allow People To Dwell In Hell Forever? Guest: Rev. Kalen Fristad, Director, Destined for Salvation Ministries, Newton, IA.

MHF #94: September 20, 2005, The Master’s School, West Simsbury, CT: Can A Good God Allow People To Dwell In Hell Forever? Guest: Rev. Kalen Fristad, Director, Destined for Salvation Ministries, Newton, IA; evening session for parents and wider community.

MHF #93: September 20, 2005, The Master’s School, West Simsbury, CT: Can A Good God Allow People To Dwell In Hell Forever? Guest: Rev. Kalen Fristad, Director, Destined for Salvation Ministries, Newton, IA; daytime session for student body, faculty and staff.

MHF #92: September 18, 2005, Living Word Ministries, West Haven, CT: Can A Good God Allow People To Dwell In Hell Forever? Guest: Rev. Kalen Fristad, Director, Destined for Salvation Ministries, Newton, IA.

MHF #91: April 12, 2005, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ: Church, Society And Same-Gender Relationships: What Are The Issues? Guest, Rev. Dr. W. Stacy Johnson, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology.

MHF #90: February 23, 2005, University of Hartford, Hartford, CT: Is Same-Sex Marriage Good For The Nation? Guest, Patrick Guerierro, President, Log Cabin Republicans, Washington, DC.

MHF #89: October 26, 2004, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH: What Is The Proper Role Of Religion In Presidential Politics? Guest: Dr. Austin Dacey, secular philosopher and editor of Philo.

MHF #88: October 25, 2004, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH: Homosexuality, Diversity And Marriage: What Are The Issues? Guest: Gary Daffin, Co-Chair, Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus, Boston, MA.

MHF #87: September 26, 2004, Rockville Church of the Nazarene, Rockville, CT: Is The Religious Right Dangerous To The United States? Guest: Tom Flynn, Editor, Free Inquiry Magazine, Council for Secular Humanism, Amherst, NY. Forum cancelled: Tom Flynn backed out.

MHF #86: September 1, 2004, The Lambs Theatre, New York, NY: Is Same-Sex Marriage Good for the Nation? Guest: D.J. Grothe, Field Director, Council for Secular Humanism, Amherst, NY.

MHF #85: August 30, 2004, The Lambs Theatre, New York, NY: Do The Ten Commandments And Human Freedom Go Together? Guest, Dan Barker, Public Relations Director, Freedom from Religion Foundation, Madison, WI; former evangelical minister and songwriter.

MHF #84: June 7, 2004, Unitarian Church, Rutland, VT: Is Homosexuality A Gift Of God? Guest: Rev. Steven Kindle, Clergy United for the Equality of Homosexuals, Camarillo, CA.

MHF #83: April 16, 2004, Washburn University, Topeka, KS: Is Same-Sex Marriage Good For The Nation? Guest: Rev. Steven Kindle, Clergy United for the Equality of Homosexuals, Camarillo, CA.

MHF #82: March 20, 2004, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA: Is Same-Sex Marriage Good for the Nation? Guest: Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair, Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus, Boston, MA.

MHF #81: March 13, 2004, The First Cathedral, Bloomfield, CT: How Should Men Treat Women? Guest: Dr. Rhonda Garelick, Associate Professor of English, Connecticut College, New London, CT.

MHF #80: February 5, 2004, Smith College, Northampton, MA: Is Same-Sex Marriage Good For The Nation? Guest: Amy Hunt, Board Member, Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus, Boston, MA.

MHF #79: February 3, 2004, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA: Should God Be Removed From The Pledge Of Allegiance? Can Christians Be Openly Christian in the Political World? Guest: Dr. Hans O. Tiefel, Professor of Religion, the College of William & Mary.

MHF #78: June 1, 2003, Rockville Church of the Nazarene, Rockville, CT: Does God Exist? Guest, Tom Flynn, Editor, Free Inquiry Magazine, Council for Secular Humanism, Amherst, NY.

MHF #77: March 29, 2003, Riverton Public Library, Riverton, WY: Should God Be Removed From The Pledge Of Allegiance? Guest: Judge Duane Buchholz, National Legal Director, American Atheists, Inc.

MHF #76: March 28, 2003, Shepard Symposium, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY: Is Genuine Respect Possible Between Both Sides Of The Homosexual-Rights Debate? Guest: D.J. Grothe, Field Director, Council for Secular Humanism, Amherst, NY.

MHF #75: March 2, 2003, Lancaster Presbyterian Church, Lancaster, NY: Is Same-Sex Marriage Good For The Nation? Guest: Tom Flynn, Editor, Free Inquiry Magazine, Council for Secular Humanism, Amherst, NY.

MHF #74: November 22, 2002, Boston University, Boston, MA: Is Same-Sex Marriage Good For the Nation? Guest: Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair, Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus.

MHF #73: November 15, 2002, Northwest College, Powell, WY: Should Creation Be Taught In Science Classes? Guest, Dr. Tom Oesleby, Professor of Geology, Northwest College.

MHF #72: November 12, 2002, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY: Should Creation Be Taught in Science Classes? Guest, Williams Downs, Professor of Theater, University of Wyoming.

MHF #71: November 7, 2002, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, MI: Should God Be Removed From the Pledge of Allegiance? Guest: Edward Tabash, Esq., Campus Freethought Alliance.

MHF #70: October 13, 2002, Casper Open Bible Church, Casper, WY: Does God Hate Homosexuals? Guest: Fred Phelps, “pastor” of Westboro Baptist Church, Tokeka, KS:

MHF #69: September 22, 2002, Norwich Assembly of God, Norwich, CT: Is the God of the Bible Intolerant? Guest: D.J. Grothe, Field Director, Council for Secular Humanism, Amherst, NY.

MHF #68: April 20, 2002, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Simsbury, CT: Does It Make Any Sense To Be An Atheist? Guest: Dr. Ed Buckner, Director, Council for Secular Humanism, Amherst, NY.

MHF #67: April 18, 2002, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT: Is Same-Sex Marriage Good For The Nation? Guest: Norm Allen, Director, African Americans for Humanism, Amherst, NY.

MHF #66: March 15, 2002, Boston University, Boston, MA: Is The Bible Coherent? Guest: Dr. Bob Price, Professor of Biblical Criticism, Center for Inquiry Institute, Amherst, NY, a former evangelical Protestant, now a “non-theistic humanist.”

MHF #65: January 5, 2002, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Simsbury, CT: Is The United State A Christian Nation? Should It Be? Guest: Dr. Ed Buckner, Director, Council for Secular Humanism, Amherst, NY.

MHF #64: November 1, 2001, State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, Amherst, NY: Holy War And Terrorism: A Biblical View, A Secular View. Guest: Dr. Ed Buckner, Director, Council for Secular Humanism, Amherst, NY.

MHF #62: October 22, 2001, American University, Washington, DC: How Should Religion Relate To American Politics? Guest: Rob Boston, Assistant Director of Communications, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Washington, DC.

MHF #61: June 10, 2001: New England Bible Church, Andover, MA: How to Interpret the Bible? Two Views: Evangelical & Unitarian-Universalist. Guest: Rev. Dr. Anita Farber-Robertson, Professor of Communications at Andover Newton Theological School.

MHF #60: April 2, 2001, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH: Can Anyone Truly Speak For God In Political Life? Guest: Dr. Vernon Schubel, Professor of Religion, Kenyon College.

MHF #59: December 1, 2000, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), Cambridge, MA: Is The God Of The Bible Intolerant? Three sub-questions: Does The Bible Impose Religion On Anyone? What About Sexual Freedom? What Is The Separation Of Church And State? No guest, Q & A session followed.

MHF #58: October 17, 2000, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH: Is The God Of The Bible Intolerant? No guest, Q & A session followed.

MHF #57: November 3, 2000, Boston College, Boston, MA: Should Religion Be Part Of The Abortion Debate? Guest: Frances Kissling, Director, Catholics for a Free Choice, Washington, DC.

MHF #56: October 23, 2000, First Parish Church, Unitarian Universalist, Portland, ME: Homosexuality And The Boy Scouts: What Is A Proper Role Model? Guest: Rev. Dr. John A. Buehrens, President, Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), Boston, MA.

MHF #55: September 28, 2000, Trinity College, Hartford, CT: What Is Sexual Morality And Justice? Guest: Debra Haffner, past president of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), New York, NY.

MHF #53: May 4, 2000, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH: Is The God Of The Bible Intolerant? Guest: Dr. Thomas Luxon, Professor of English at Dartmouth. Forum cancelled: Dr. Luxon backed out.

MHF #52: April 30, 2000, South Church, Andover, MA: Is Homosexuality a Gift of God? Questions Concerning the “Open and Affirming” Stance of the United Churches of Christ. No guest, singular address with Q & A; to balance a prior Open & Affirming presentation.

MHF #51: February 25, 2000, Boston University, Boston, MA: What Are The Religious Politics Of Homosexuality? Guest: Jeremy Pittman, Chair, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Political Alliance of Massachusetts, in lieu of Sue Hyde, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.

MHF #49: December 2, 1999, Trinity College, Hartford, CT: Is The God Of The Bible Intolerant? No Guest, singular address with Q & A.

MHF #48: August 26, 1999, Kingdom Bound Festival, Darien Lakes, NY: The Love of Hard Questions. Guest, Dr. Paul Kurtz, Founder and President of the Council for Democratic and Secular Humanism, Amherst, NY, and Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus, SUNY Buffalo.

MHF #47: February 15, 1999, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD: Is Marriage Necessary? Three sub-questions: Is The God Of The Bible A Male Chauvinist Or A Feminist? Is Marriage A Civil Right For Gay And Straight Alike, Or Is It A Privilege Reserved Only For Homosexuals? Is Human Abortion The Essence Of Feminism Or Male Chauvinism? No Guest — singular address with Q & A.

MHF #46: August 10-11, 1998, Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY: What Is The Definition Of Family? Guest: Patricia Ireland, President, National Organization for Women (NOW), Washington, D.C.

MHF #45: April 27, 1998, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN: Is Marriage Necessary? Three sub-questions: Is The God Of The Bible A Male Chauvinist Or A Feminist? Is Marriage A Civil Right For Gay And Straight Alike, Or Is It A Privilege Reserved Only For Homosexuals? Is Human Abortion The Essence Of Feminism Or Male Chauvinism? No Guest — singular address with Q & A.

MHF #44: August 31, 1997, Calvary Chapel of Monterey, Monterey, CA: Did Adam And Eve Really Exist? Guest: Rev. Carl Hansen, Rector, All Saints Episcopal Church, Carmel CA, and syndicated columnist with Scripps-Howard News Service.

MHF #43: June 4, 1997, First Church of Christ, Wethersfield, CT: Is Homosexuality A Gift of God? Guest: Rev. Mark Travis, openly homosexual minister of the First Congregational Church (UCC) of Haverhill, NH.

MHF #42: April 22, 1997, Founder’s Inn, Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Virginia Beach, VA: Human Abortion: Should It Be Made Illegal? Guest: Patricia Ireland, President, National Organization for Women (NOW), Washington, D.C.

MHF #41: April 8, 1997, State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, Amherst, NY: Why Is Abortion Such A Big Deal To Christians? Guest: Professor Lucinda Findley, Esq., Professor of Law at SUNY Law School, and counsel for the defense in the U.S. Supreme Court case, Schenk v. Pro-Choice Network.

MHF #40: March 17, 1997, Calvary Chapel of Monterey, Monterey, CA: Is Homosexuality A Gift of God? Guest: Rev. Carl Hansen, Rector, All Saints Episcopal Church, Carmel CA, and syndicated columnist with Scripps-Howard News Service.

MHF #39: February 28, 1997, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, So. Hamilton, MA: How Do Evangelical Christians Love Their Homosexual Neighbors? Guest: Professor Nadine Strossen, Esq., President, American Civil Liberty Union (ACLU), New York, NY, and professor at New York Law School, New York, NY.

MHF #38: February 9, 1997, Calvary Chapel, Monterey Bay, CA: American Families And American Values: How Are They Being Undermined Today? Guest: Rabbi Michael Lerner, Editor of Tikkun magazine and author of “The Politics of Meaning.” Rabbi Lerner canceled on the day of the forum and did not want to reschedule.

MHF #37: January 28, 1997, State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, Amherst, NY: Paganism Or Christianity: Which Is In Service To Human Freedom? Guest: Margot Adler, Author of “Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America Today,” and a Reporter for National Public Radio (NPR) in New York, NY.

MHF #36: January 11, 1997, Unitarian Church of Montclair, Montclair, NJ: Jesus: Fact Or Fiction? Guest: Dr. Bob Price, adjunct professor of New Testament at Drew University, a former evangelical Protestant, now a “freethinking skeptic.”

MHF #35: October 30, 1996, Coffee House adjacent to the University of Syracuse, Syracuse, NY: Homosexuality And Civil Rights. Guest: Harry Freeman Jones, well-known homosexual activist who claims to be the longest “married” homosexual in the United States (since 1973).

MHF #34: October 7, 1996, First Church of Christ, Wethersfield, CT: Jewish and Christian Dialogue: The Binding Of Isaac — Issues Of Human Sacrifice And Biblical Interpretation. Guest: Rabbi Jon Haddon, Temple Shearith Israel, Ridgefield, CT.

MHF #33: August 3, 1996, Local High School, Colorado Springs, CO: Does The Bible Object More To Homophobia Than It Does To Homosexuality? Guest: Rev. Laurene Lafontaine, Director, Equality Colorado’s Voices of Faith, ordained with the Presbyterian Church (USA).

MHF #32: July 28, 1996, Central United Methodist Church, Muskegon, MI: Does The Bible Object More To Homophobia Than It Does To Homosexuality? Guest: Dr. John Allen, former writer with the Christian Science Monitor, and working on a book: “Out: Meditations of a Gay Christian Scientist.”

MHF #31: May 17, 1996, Yale University, New Haven, CT: Scripture And The Papacy: What Is Their Relationship? Guest: Gerald Matatics, President, Biblical Foundations, International, Front Royal, VA, now a Roman Catholic, a former evangelical Protestant.

MHF #30: April 29, 1996, The Temple of Music and Art, Tucson, AZ: Human Abortion: Should It Be Kept Legal? Guest: Patricia Ireland, President, National Organization for Women (NOW), Washington, D.C. Cancelled when the Tucson chapter of NOW protested the co-sponsorship of the Crisis Pregnancy Centers of Tucson.

MHF #29: April 12, 1996, Light & Life Community Church, Santa Cruz, CA: Affirmative Action: Is It Affirmative Or Negative? Guest: Patricia Ireland, President, National Organization for Women (NOW), Washington, D.C.

MHF #28: February 13, 1996, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH: Should The Republican Party Keep Its Pro-Life Plank? Guest: Ann Stone, President, Republicans for Choice, Alexandria, VA.

MHF #27: February 9, 1996, Yale Divinity School, New Haven, CT: Is Homosexuality a Gift of God? The leader of the student homosexual organization on cam[pus was unwilling to provide a guest to represent the other side of the debate. Thus, sinngular address with Q & A.

(MHF #26 [out of sequence]): October 17, 2005, College of Bangor, Bangor, ME: Special Rights or Civil Rights? Panel including State Representative Sean Faircloth (D-Bangor).

MHF #25: January 21, 1996, All Saints Church (Episcopal), Chevy Chase, MD: Human Abortion: Can It Ever Be A Moral Choice? Should It Be Kept Legal? Guest: Rev. Katherine Hancock Ragsdale, Director, Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights (RCAR), Washington, D.C., ordained in the Episcopal Church by Bishop John S. Spong.

MHF #23: January 18, 1996, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA: Religious Expression In The Public Schools: Is There Any Common Ground? Guest: Rev. Barry Lynn, Esq., Director, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Washington, D.C., ordained with the United Church of Christ (UCC — Congregational).

MHF #21: 1995, New Haven, CT: A Political Resolution to the Abortion Debate? Guest: Ed Markus, State Chairman, Democratic Party.

MHF #20: October 12, 1995, Worcester State College, Worcester, MA: Secular Humanism: Is It The Established Religion in Public Schools Today? Panel Guests included: Ron Madnick, Executive Director, Worcester Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union; and Dr. Robert Specter, Professor of History at Worcester State.

MHF #19: Circa 1995, Breakfast forum sponsored by the First Church of Christ, Wethersfield, CT: What is the Biblical Nature of Homosexuality, with a self-proclaimed homosexual man ordained with the United Church of Christ (UCC).

MHF #18: September 26, 1995, First Universalist Church, West Hartford, CT: Religion In American Politics: Is Civility Possible? Guest: Rev. Dr. John A. Buehrens, President, Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), Boston, MA.

MHF #17: February 2, 1995: WDCX Radio, Buffalo: Doctor Assisted Suicide? Guest: Rev. Thomas Eggebeen, Presbyterian minister, assocciate to Dr. Jack Kavorkian.

MHF #16: June 12, 1995, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Fort Lauderdale, FL: Civil Rights And Homosexuality: The Human Rights Ordinance — Good Or Bad? Guest: Norman Kent, local criminal defense attorney and radio talk show host on WFTL.

MHF #15: May 5, 1995: Is Homosexuality a Gift of God? WDCX Radio, Buffalo. Guest: Mel White, founder of Soulforce, homosexual activist, former evangelical professor and and ghost writer for Billy Graham, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell.

MHF #14: April 11, 1995, Georgetown University, Washington, DC: Abortion, Blockade and Gunfire: Who Are The Peacemakers? Guest: Kate Michelman, President, National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), Washington, D.C.

MHF #13: March 5, 1995, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT: Gay Rights: A Civil Liberty Or A Non-Issue? No willing guest could be found: singular address with Q & A.

MHF #12: January 26, 1995, State University of New York (SUNY) Law School, at Buffalo, Amherst, NY: Is Homosexuality A Civil Right? Guest, David Strand, local homosexual rights activist.

MHF #11: November 16, 1994, Smith College, Northampton, MA: Feminism And The Bible: Do They Share Any Common Ground? Guest: Patricia Ireland, President, National Organization for Women (NOW), Washington, D.C.

MHF #10: November 7, 1994, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Human Sexuality: What Are Its Freedoms Or Restrictions? Guest, Dr. William Stayton, President-elect, American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists.

MHF #9: October 26, 1994, State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, Amherst, NY: Animal Rights And The Bible: Are They In Conflict? Guest: Rev. Dr. Marc Wessels, Director of the International Network for Religion and Animals, ordained with the United Church of Christ (UCC — Congregational).

MHF #8: April 21, 1994, State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, Amherst, NY: Atheism Or Christianity: Which Will Survive? Guest, Dr. Paul Kurtz, Founder and President of the Council for Democratic and Secular Humanism, Amherst, NY, and Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus, SUNY Buffalo.

MHF #7: April 5, 1995, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI: Are Homophobia and Heterosexism Sins? Guest: Rev. Dr. Bill Bartels, Protestant Chaplain at URI.

MHF #6: February 25, 1994, Yale Law School, New Haven, CT: Abortion: A Human Right Or An Act Of Destruction? Guest: Rev. Katherine Hancock Ragsdale, Director, Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights (RCAR), Washington, D.C., ordained in the Episcopal Church by Bishop John S. Spong.

MHF #5: January 21, 1994, Yale University, New Haven, CT: Should The Bible Be Rescued From Fundamentalism? Guest: Bishop John S. Spong of the Episcopalian Diocese of Newark, N.J., Author of “Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism” and among the first Episcopal Bishops in the U.S. to ordain practicing homosexuals.

MHF #4: November 17, 1993, Yale University, New Haven, CT: The Natural And The Supernatural: What Is The Nature Of Reality? Guest: Margot Adler, Author of “Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America Today,” and a Reporter for National Public Radio (NPR) in New York, NY.

MHF #3: October 29, 1993, Yale University, New Haven, CT: War & Peace: What Are The Issues? Guest: Joseph Maizlish, War Resister’s League, Los Angeles, CA.

MHF #2: April 30, 1993, First Universalist Church, West Hartford, CT: Separation Of Church And State: What Does It Really Mean? Guest: Rev. Barry Lynn, Esq., Director, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Washington, D.C., ordained with the United Church of Christ (UCC – Congregational).

MHF #1: March 19, 1993, University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT: Atheism Or Christianity: Which Will Survive? Guest: Dr. Gordon Stein, Editor of “The Encyclopedia of Unbelief.”

From 1984-1992, there were about six dozen debates and Q & A forums on college campuses concerning the theology and politics of the human abortion controversy.