Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (46), April 11, 1986

Please Send This Letter to Buell

On April 16, the Massachusetts Senate will be voting on bill N. 5338, the outcome of which will determine whether or not a referendum against freedom of choice will be placed on the November ballot.

As a matter of convenience for your readers, I am making available a copy of my letter to Sen. Buell, along with my permission to clip it and forward it to the senator — if they choose to do so.

They may clip the following letter, sign it and mail it to the Statehouse, room 321, Boston, Mass., 02133, and they will be heard on this issue.

I am writing to respectfully request that you register a no vote on bill N. 5338.

I would like to remind you this country was settled by escapees of religious tyranny — and inevitable by-product of any state religion.

The majority of secular professionals can not agree as to when life begins and it is obvious those who have “the truth” base their privileged knowledge on the Bible.

There are people who may not agree with the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision and that is the beauty of the amendment.

There is room for freedom of choice and those who are not in agreement with the pro-choice position are not bound by Constitutional law.

Any infringement of that right is intolerant and unacceptable, particularly when one segment of the population is penalized as the only offenders of a specific law.

A no vote will guarantee the individual’s right to make her own choice, based on her own belief.

A no vote preserves the intent of our forefathers; an intent which was clearly designed to offer freedom of choice in such personal pluralistic matters.

It is foolish to imagine their intent was to legislate church law, empowering the state to enforce religious tenants simply because the flock won’t mind!

Finally, consider that the fact that the abortion issue will soon be a moot point. Medical technology is capable of performing embryo transplants, virtually eliminating the need for abortion as an option.

Karen Morey, 96 Western Ave.