Gloucester Daily Times Debate on Abortion (50), April 17, 1986

Personal Response to January 16 Letter to the Editor

April 14, 1986

Ms. Karen Morey

96 Western Avenue, Gloucester, MA 01930

Dear Ms. Morey:

I was truly hoping to hear from you following my last letter. I believe your concerns, as once again expressed in your recent letter to the Times, are ill-placed. If I am in error, then please point it out to me, on the basis of solid theological, legal, philosophical and medical data.

The referendum is simply to allow the Massachusetts voters the choice to give back to the legislature the prerogative to outlaw state funded abortions. This is a policy upheld by the United States Supreme Court vis-a-vis the Hyde Amendment which precludes federally funded abortions. To require state funded abortions without the consent of the citizenry of the state is truly coercion. If abortion is such a fundamental right, then why are pro-choice advocates fearful of allowing the voters to express their view on it? Why should my tax dollars pay for abortion? Does that honor my choice?

I have enclosed tow flyers, one amended to advertise a forum I am conducting on April 25 (we haven’t yet published the exact flyer for that date). I invite you to be present.


John C. Rankin
