NECAC Forum: Dartmouth College, January 21, 1987: The Gift of Life, The Gift of Choice

John C. Rankin

After the successful forum at Dartmouth on January 22, 1986 (click here), another attempt was made the succeeding year to have an actual debate — but again, no willing interlocutor was found.

So an open forum was again sponsored by the New Testament Fellowship and Campus Crusade for Christ, with me, as director of the New England Christian Council (NECAC), as the speaker. It was entitled:

The Gift of Life, the Gift of Choice

Affirming the Dignity of Women and The Unborn Equally

All are Invited to Attend: Those in Favor of Legalized Abortion, Those Who are Uncertain, and Those Opposed

*** Questions Will Be Taken from the Floor ***

Wednesday, January 21, 1987, Collis Center, Dartmouth College, 7:00 p.m.

The language choice here reflects a continued trajectory in framing the debate from when I began pro-life ministry in late 1983. Namely, I am always seeking for the proactive and positive;y framed “metaethics” of language that honors all people, giving opportunity for them to express their most important questions, never feeling put into a corner. As for the event in 1987, I only have the flyer, and on the back I wrote: “Moses & Joshua, in their farewell speeches, both aim at [informed choice].” Other than that, I have no other notes from which to profile how the evening went.
